Friday, November 30, 2012

If Samsung doesn't supply Apple's processors, who will?

This will be huge

iPad mini & iPhone 5 Arrive in China in December

Samsung is spending upwards of $12 Billion in marketing 

They're using all that money that Apple paid them to manufacture parts for iPhones

The cost of selling Galaxies

Unlocked iPhone 5 now on sale through U.S. Online Apple Store

It wasn't just a matter of unlocking for T-Mobile.

T-Mobile reworked its entire network for the iPhone.

How T-Mobile Has Been Getting Itself Ready for the IPhone

Apple SVP Bob Mansfield sells off $20.4M worth of company stock

This is probably the most likely Mac that switchers will buy

New iMacs go on sale in Australia as US starts limited launch

Apple's 21.5-inch and 27-inch iMacs now available for order online

Redesigned iMac gets unboxed, torn down just hours after launch [u]

Apple iPad crushing Amazon Kindle in early holiday sales

Apple and Foxconn are the best thing that's ever happened to Chinese Labour

In annual ritual, AT&T declared worst wireless service

iBaby boom: More parents decide Mac, Siri, and Apple are perfectly acceptable baby names in 2012

Basically it's stolen technology

Android May End Up Being More A Fount Of Troubles Than A Fount Of Revenues For Google

Android May End Up Being More A Fount Of Troubles Than A Fount Of Revenues For Google - Seeking Alpha

hp is toast

Andreessen hired Apotheker and pushed board to buy Autonomy

HP Downfall? Look to its Board (video)

"According to Cox, H-P board members will voluntarily break up the business next year into five separate entities."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

AAPL back up with the rest of market and iPhone rumors in AM trading 

More on Apple's new chip fabricator

Apple may tap TSMC to move A-series mobile chips to 28nm process

Merrill Lynch: T-Mobile USA may get the iPhone next week

The deal would give Apple access to 33 million more mobile subscribers

Tony Fadell: Recently ousted Forstall 'got what he deserved'

"I think Apple's in a great place. Actually, if you read some of the reports, people in Cupertino were cheering when that event happened. And so I think Apple's in a great space. It has great products. There are other amazing people at the company. And I think those people actually have a chance to have a firm footing now and continue the legacy that Steve [Jobs] left."

iPhone 5 to see mid-December China debut after Apple's regulatory approval

It appears that everything is still invented first in Russia

Apple fails at its second attempt to patent the iPhone design in Russia

Eddy Cue: Apple's Rising Mr. Fix-it

Surprise! Apple's retail and online stores get high marks for phone sales: Consumer Reports

WSJ: iTunes 11 to be released as soon as Thursday

POGUE: The iPad Mini Is The Tablet You Should Buy This Christmas

Big display upfront in Williams Sonoma Store at the Fashion Mall

iPad Accessories, Bluetooth speaker and Smart Tools

Get off your butts Cupertino and approve the Apple main campus

Apple's rapid expansion moves tech behemoth to third city, Santa Clara

Nexus 4 vs. iPhone 5: How (not) to manage a supply chain

I can't think of a single thing that they have innovated.

Microsoft CEO defends its innovation record, financial results

* Ballmer says maybe should have moved quicker on tablet 

They had one, and it sucked. They had to wait for Apple's iPad so they could attempt to copy it (Surface).

* Says sales of Windows phones four times year-ago level 

Let's see, 4 x 0 = 0

* Gates attends shareholders' meeting but is silent 

I'm sure he's either in denial or just plain embarrassed to death.  

Why change their modus operandi now?

With Windows Blue, MS looks to take a page out of Apple's MacOS X playbook

MG Siegler describing Microsoft's Nightmare

Is that enough?  I can go on.

The Surface Nightmare: Keyboard breaks down, Microsoft logo rubs off

STEVE BALLMER'S NIGHTMARE: How Microsoft's Business Actually Could Collapse

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

iPhone is swooping into the enterprise

Worldwide, not just US

And since IDC is saying this, the numbers are probably even better than they will admit

Enterprises buying iPhones 'in droves,' IDC says

Apple smartphone unseats longtime leader BlackBerry as top company-purchased smartphone

Apple maintains 70% (or is it 71%) grip on China's tablet market, as industry sales jump 63% year-on-year

Apple maintains 70% grip on China's tablet market, as industry sales jump 63% year-on-year - The Next Web

They said market share was down 14% in the 3rd quarter, but Apple has both upgraded the iPad and added the iPad mini since then

ABI Research: Apple's iPad Continues to Beat the Competition

Apple's rumored chip switch from Samsung to TSMC may send shockwaves through industry

Not good, but better than lack of demand.

Apple uses a screen form factor that nobody else uses

Supply issues happened to iPhone 5, but they were corrected

Apple's New iMac and iPad mini supply constraints to continue until 2013

A second head rolls in the wake of Apple's map debacle

Eddie Cue is reported to have fired the manager of the team that created it

Apple seeking "advice," from TomTom on Maps

Apple's Map sackings continue, so why does it matter?

Considering the years involved, I'd say that this is probably due to iOS, iPhone, and data center development.  

Are patent searches, acquisitions, and their corresponding legal fees included in R&D?

Apple's R&D Numbers - Something Good Brewing, Or Something Wrong?

Apple's R&D Numbers - Something Good Brewing, Or Something Wrong? - Seeking Alpha

Apple's Roller-coaster Year With Tim Cook

OS X 10.8.3 beta supports AMD Radeon 7000 drivers, hinting at Apple's new Mac Pro

That's right, why rush it, its only been since June that the Retina display was released

6 months is a pretty good stall 

Rumor: Adobe to announce Retina display-ready Photoshop CS6 on Dec. 11

Got a minute?

Watch Every Apple TV Ad Ever Made

No, they're not desperate, not at all.

Microsoft to raise user licensing fees in response to 'BYOD' movement

Microsoft to raise user licensing fees in response to 'BYOD' movement

Crap-ware Lives On In Windows 8

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reuters: Apple takes smartphone top spot from Google in U.S. - research

Soaring iPhone 5 Sales in US knock Android into second place

Enterprises buying iPhones 'in droves': Here's the tipping point

Microsoft's data proves it: We're obsessed with iPhone

Will Amazon's bet on the Kindle Fire ever pay off?

When you're selling a device at cost you can't really make it up in volume

"We want to make money when people use our devices," CEOJeff Bezos often says, in a remark widely seen as directed at Apple (AAPL), "not when they buy our devices."

So how has that worked out for Bezos?

Not terribly well, judging from early results this holiday season. According to IBM's (IBM) Benchmark survey of Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales, Kindles accounted for only 2.4% of purchases made via tablet, fewer than those made by Barnes and Noble's (BKS) Nook (3.1%) and way fewer than the iPad (88.3%).

Facebook and iTunes/iPhone (video)

Apple's iPad driving e-commerce as market shifts from desktop-based purchases

"Despite the relatively low-performing form factor introduced seen in the 7-inch Kindle Fire and Google Nexus 7, Heinemann said the comparably-sized iPad mini will become a major player in not only driving e-commerce conversion rates, but changing the way retailers format their digital storefronts. 
Although there isn't enough data to offer conclusive evidence of what impact the mini will have on internet-based sales, Heinemann believes the tablet will begin to affect the market in early 2013, and could see performance surpassing that of the full-sized iPad."

"The impact is going to be massive in terms of website design," he said of Apple's new small form factor iPad. 

Apple's installed user base, plus the wider market penetration of the iPad brand will likely push retailers to create sites tailored to the mini and work up from there.

"I think what you're going to see is the iPad mini becoming almost a standard design format, because if you can design for the iPad mini, it's going to work on the [full size] iPad, it's going to work on the desktop," Heinemann said. "So instead of taking the desktop and working it down to the iPad mini , think about taking your iPad mini experience and working it up to the desktop. It's going to be that important."

iPhone 5 ship times are down to one week for Cyber Monday


I hope this doesn't "backfire"

GM to become first automaker to use Apple's 'Eyes Free' Siri integration

Xbox creator: It's hard for Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft to ignore the Apple experience

Patent exhaustion and possible EU intervention at issue in German Samsung v. Apple SEP lawsuit

Apple 'decimates' pro audio team, digital audio pros fear for Logic's future

Apple 'decimates' pro audio team, digital audio pros fear for Logic's future - Mac software - Macworld UK

iOS users surf 15.6x more than Android users

Desperately Seeking Siri