Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Apple aims to maintain momentum with iPhone 6s release

Enterprise ready, and why they need more Apple product display space in the Apple Stores.

128 GB of internal storage is plenty big enough to run native apps.

iPad Pro: "Monster screen" runs full-sized side-by-side apps, LTE models, keyboard + stylus separate

What part of "no" don't you understand?

Apple refused to give iMessages to the government

This is how freedom is lost, giving the government open access to your private information under the guise of a terrorist threat

Argument over strong encryption reaches boiling point as Apple, Microsoft rebuff court orders for data access

What's the Apple Watch good for? Report from 2,000 users

iPhone 6s, iPad Pro, Apple TV event: CNBC interviews our Mark Gurman on predictions

But mostly Apple on strength of Apple WATCH sales

Best Buy strengthens ties with Apple and other suppliers

More mostly excellent reviews, of course the Guardian has a bone to pick, just like the vultures they are.

Aaron Sorkin's "Steve Jobs" : The first reviews

New Apple TV with App Store game downloads predicted to drive 24M sales in 2016

Analytics highlights iPhone 6/Plus success and failure of iPhone 5c an why Apple won't make and iPhone 6c (concept images)

Apple Music Festival headliners rounded out with Mumford & Sons, Carrie Underwood and Ellie Goulding

Apple supplier Catcher's August revenues seen rising on supply of hardened next-gen iPhone shells

Patents have never stopped the likes of scofflaws Samsung, Google, et al from ripping off Apple

Apple's Reported 3D Force Touch is Fully Supported by a Patent

How being featured in an Apple ad changed one musician's life

Of course it is

This is my Apple-bashing nephew's computer

Only 10%?

Samsung must cut 10% of its workforce, and it's iPhone's fault

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