Monday, September 14, 2015

iPhone 6s to break record of 10M sales, topping last year's iPhone 6 opening weekend

iPhone pre-orders: Sold-out in China in 12 hours

Apple Inc stock panic another opportunity for massive discounted stock repurchase

Higher prices won't make any difference to Chinese consumers.

Apple's CEO states that the Rose Gold iPhone 6s was designed with the Chinese Consumer in Mind

This is what happens with a strong US dollar and the iPhone.

A Look at the iPhone 6s Pricing Around the World on a Color Coded Global Map

iPhone 6s Plus expected to be constrained at launch due to backlight bottlenecks

Looking at Apple's event from outside the reality distortion field

Well...  I think Woz has his own agenda here, which is similar to Sculley's, rewrite history by minimizing Jobs' importance.

Sculley was a complete disaster and Woz became a no-show.

It's like band members talking about the lead singer's role in the group's success and whether he was kicked out or left of his own accord.

Look at this photo.  

Woz cobbled together the board, but who is the driving force and frontman of this duo?

When Jobs returned to the band, Woz and Sculley were long gone.

Steve Jobs, turned a nearly irrelevant Apple into a super group, as its leader and its lead singer, just as he did before.

Steve Jobs left Apple on his own, wasn't forced out, Wozniak says

Edited keynote video that is less than two minutes long

Friends don't let friends buy 16GB iPhones

Consumers favor Apple's rose gold iPhone 6s Plus with early preorders

iOS 9 available Wednesday

Apple Victorious: The iPhone 6s can cripple Android

TSMC rumored to be exclusive manufacturer for Apple 'A10' CPU in 2016

Apple now allowing developers to submit iOS 9, OSX El Capitan and WATCH apps

Xcode confirms 2GB RAM for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, 4GB RAM for iPad Pro

Tim Cook slated to guest on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Sept. 15

Video shows 4th-gen tv unboxed ahead of October debut

The new tv will be free to (some) developers

How the new Apple TV uses on-demand resources to host great apps and games

Popular media streaming client Plex is coming to the new Apple TV

Activision commits to Apple TV with big console games

Initial thoughts on iPad Pro

Apple started out as a luxury company, and became one again after Jobs returned.

Jony Ive denies that Apple is turning into a luxury company

New BMW CEO still willing to talk with tech firms like Apple, hints at manufacturing partnership

Of course they will.

Samsung to Copy Apple News with Euro-Centric UPDAY News

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