Thursday, October 11, 2012

Analyst: iPhone 5 is huge. Android takes it on the chin

Yes, death to Google-sung!

Google's Motorola Mobility pulls all Android devices from German market after patent rulings

"The company that Google bought for $12.5 billion to protect Android from patent threats cannot even protect itself."

Asymmetric warfare

Why are tablets and smartphones insulated from tough economic conditions?

One product will be met with "Why should we buy it?" and the other by "Why shouldn't we buy it?"

Death to the PC!

iPod, the gateway drug

Apple's new iPod family commercial hits the web

Apple PC shipments reach new high of 13.6% despite contracting US market

We are Young! 

Sorry, Samsung, iPhone Is Not Your Mother's Smartphone

Another boffo review

iPhone 5 raises the bar for smartphone design

Apple iPod touch review (2012)

Noon passes without an iPad mini invitation from Apple

Virginia Beach McDonalds provides complimentary iPad usage with burgers

More Macs than they can count: Inside the Moscow Apple Museum (Gallery)

Apple solves "Scuff-gate" but the fix is making it even harder to buy an iPhone 5

Were rumors of an Apple HDTV off base? TV remote functions could be Apple's "next big thing"

Why is Google so worried about Apple's new iOS 6 Maps?

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